Monday, June 6, 2011

Account Disabled?

Finally, after a tense 72 hours, my blog was lifted of its suspension.

On Friday, I decided to delete an old Blogger account that contained a few blogs I write, including this one. I wanted to transfer them to my Google account associated with my gmail account, thereby making it easier for me to access on a day to day basis (hopefully making me more inclined to actually write). After exporting my blogs to my computer for future upload, I deleted my old account. From there, I uploaded my blogs to my new Blogger account, and boom! I received the timely and friendly message that my account had been "disabled, suspended or deleted."


I spent way too much time trying to figure out what the issue was. Funny, I go through these long, drawn out spells of not posting, but as soon as I'm actually unable to post, I have a hundred and a half things to write about. I wrote Google in excess in order to rectify the issue. Days went by. No response from Google, though I suppose I wasn't really expecting a response since they tell you they won't. But finally, just a few short moments ago, I attempt once again to access my dashboard, tears of frustration collecting in the corners of my eyes, and presto!

Access granted.

Welp, I did some digging and it looks like the actual reason my account was disabled is due to the spam algorithms Google runs in order to find spam blogs (is that what they're called?). I've been using Blogger as a host for my recent experiment in podcasting. This involves me linking my posts to another site that hosts the audio file. Apparently, Google's algorithms detect for blogs that link to one address as a hallmark of spamming.

Lesson learned, Google.

Looks like now I can finally get this sudden urge to write out of my system and these words out of my head. Apologies for any readers who are lost at my sudden movement to a different URL. Hopefully you'll find me once again.

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