Thursday, August 12, 2010

Quick Update and New Blog

It's been a long and lonely two months without posting a blog. My sincere apologies! I've been hard at work with summer quarter and only one week remains, then I will be free for a month!

I've got tons of plans coming up; a trip to Sun Lakes with the whole extended family, Dave Matthews Band at the Gorge over labor day weekend and to wrap up September, a trip to Chicago and Philly. Hopefully I'll have my camera charged and ready to go and some blog posting will be in order.

This last weekend I spent with my good friends Madeline and Gwen in Walla Walla for some wine tasting.  I will post a separate post all about the trip so I won't give anything away now.

Finally, I've had this idea for months now and finally got it up and going yesterday. My roommate Madeline and I are avid happy hour goers and our favorite thing to get is nachos. We started testing out the nachos at all our favorite bars and came up with the idea to blog our adventures and rate the bars and nachos we taste along the way, complete with pictures! So I finally got that blog up and running. If you'd like to see it (which trust me, you will) follow the link -->

'Tis it for now.