10. The comedy. He has realized this new brand of comedy referred to Rolling Stone as “New Awkwardness”, but refuses to abandon the punch line. And guess what? He still gets laughs. Or at least mine.
9. James Lipton. He frequently has James Lipton on. Lipton is the host of Inside the Actor’s Studio on Bravo for those of you who don’t know. He is the master of dry delivery; so dry it crumbles like burnt toast.
8. LaBamba, the band’s trombonist. Never talks, except for the occasional segment called, “In the Year 2000”, a personal favorite.
7. The monologue. He is daring on stage and isn’t afraid of the audience reaction. In fact, he plays off that reaction and makes comedy gold.
6. The blow up Conan. Or more specifically, Matt Lauer dashing Conan’s hopes and dreams concerning the blow up Conan. Personal favorite? Dart gun from 12 stories up.
5. Triumph the Insult Dog. So insulting, so crude, so unspeakable. Yet, it airs, and I love it. Recent favorite has to be the RNC. Kudos also to those guys who can take a joke!
4. Max Weinberg. Fantastic drummer. Sarcastic as all get out. Perfect partner in crime for off the wall O’Brien.
3. The guests. Even if I am not particularly excited for a guest to be on, Conan makes each interview fun and exciting to watch. And funny, even if the guest isn’t.
2. Conan O’Brien. What’s not to love? The perfect late night guy with a sort of off kilter humor, goofball stage presence and I’ll-do-just-about-anything-to-get-a-laugh then oh-God-that-went-terribly then who-cares-they-can’t-tank-me-now-I’m-taking-over-for-Leno attitude.
1. The hair. Was there any question that this wouldn’t be number one? Nuff said.
I love Conan's hair too!