Friday, September 26, 2008

One week down...

Its been exactly one week since I moved up here to Seattle to begin my second year at the University of Washington. So far, pretty much everything has been great! Classes, people, life, it's all going good. Here's the rundown of my week:

The weekend: Basically we partied the entire weekend. Well, sort of. Gwen came over to help me move in and she stayed the night. Saturday was amazing. I won't go into too many details, but I had a really great time getting to know my roommates and their friends. Sunday I babysat for Matt and Holly while they were at work. Later that night Kimberly and Madeline picked me up to go back to Seattle. Turns out Madeline worked for the Home Owners Association in Matt and Holly's neighborhood... go figure! She recognized the whole neighborhood. Funny! Sunday night was pretty chill as we just went home and hung out until 4 am.

Monday: Crazy. Hands down, the craziest night of my life. It was amazing.

Tuesday: Getting ready for classes the next day. Slowly realizing that homework was about to consume our every waking moment as of tomorrow. Ugh. But we managed to squeeze out the remaining freedom by hanging out and enjoying Seattle. Early to bed that night.

Wednesday: First day of classes. Ugh. Well, I guess it was sort of exciting. I went to Global Warming, which is shaping up to be a great class with a great prof. Then was Space and Space Travel. I realized the prof was a total douche nozzle and dropped the class for Weather 101. It sounded more interesting anyway. I also had my first day of Italian. So far, this is my favorite class. My prof, Vanja, is superb! I am picking it up pretty quickly and can't wait to learn more! I managed to sweet talk my bosses at work into letting me start Saturday instead of Wednesday, so that was pretty awesome and gave me the evening to buy some books and do homework that was already assigned. We went to sushi that night. It was more than amazing, although, the bill made me sad. Went to the library to try and find the Global Warming book because they are sold out at the bookstore and don't expect to get a shipment in until next tuesday! Turns out they didn't even have a copy on reserve at the library. Big waste of time.

Thursday: Day from hell! I have five classes this day with one, one hour break at 11:30. It was horrible. I was totally burnt out. I came home from classes and IMMEDIATELY fell asleep for two hours. I woke up all dazed, but soon snapped out of it, because The Office premiered! It was such a great episode! Then I fell immediately back to sleep as soon as my head hit my pillow.

Friday: Classes don't start til 10:30 (as opposed to the regular 9:30). It was nice to have extra time in the morning to drink some coffee and read my email. Only two classes, so that was nice. Late lunch after Italian. Brings me to now! Blogging :)

What's to come: tonight we're going to get Bubble Tea. Been craving it since I've been back. Tomorrow is my first day of work back at the OAG. Football tomorrow and Sunday. It's going to be a pretty chill weekend! Then, back to the daily grind.

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