Friday, September 5, 2008

Dear Nick,

How can I begin to put into words what you mean to me? The simple answer is there is no clever, elegant or graceful way for me to describe it using merely words. For me to describe what we have would do it no justice, because you are a more beautiful person than any beautiful word can describe. You, my closest friend, my best friend, my brother, have made me a stronger, more outgoing, happier human being. So even though there’s no way I can fully get all of my feelings down into this simple letter, I’m going to try anyway!

Do you remember how we met? I know we have totally different stories on how we became friends, but I think this is the first time I met you. Bus number 18, Evergreen Primary, kindergarten. So if you think about it, we’ve known each other for nearly 15 years. That is almost 75% of our life! You are my oldest friend, by far. I think however, we became friends in the 2nd grade, Mrs. Cook’s class. That was when our friendship grew. I can’t actually remember what grade our Saturn project was, but I do remember that was the first time you came over to my house. My mom adored you (and still does). We worked so hard on that silly little tri-fold display board! If I do recall, ours was the best looking one of the bunch. We were friends throughout elementary school, discovering we lived literally blocks away from each other. Middle school rolled around, and we became even closer friends. I remember in seventh grade standing outside the construction portables just bullshitting our recess away, and honestly, there is no other way I would have liked it. I remember coming to your place ALL the time. We’d play Mario Kart on the 64, your dad would barbeque, your brother would have Dominic over, your mom entertaining other guests. Those are memories I will forever and always keep. I think it was the eighth grade when you moved away, to the far off land of Yelm. To a 13 year old kid without a driver’s license it seemed like you moved totally out of the state! I was devastated at even the thought of not seeing you everyday. But both our parents were so accommodating when it came to us being able to see each other. I remember your dad would pick me up at the Du Pont gas station and drive me the rest of the way to the house. Then sophomore year (at least I think that’s when it was), you did a student exchange program to Australia. I was totally excited for you, but at the same time, again devastated because I wasn’t going to see you for 10 months. This was an eternity for me! I recall nights were I would be inconsolable (usually after we had the chance to talk on the phone) because I couldn’t see you and spend time with you. I never thought of myself as a codependent person, but I literally could not function in these moments. But when you came back, we picked up our friendship like you were never gone. More years went by and we finally find ourselves on the brink of independence. Both of us have wonderful lives, jobs, and responsibility making so hard to see each other, but our incredible bond is still there. Every time we are in each other’s company, nothing can stop us from being like carefree children again. We’re totally free to be whatever we want to be in each other’s presence.

All of those years, making what we have stronger and more special, has been the one constant in my life. You have been my saving grace in times of trouble, my shoulder to cry on and my best friend to share my life with. I often try and describe to other people our relationship. I say it’s sort of like having a twin brother who understands you down to your soul. You get me. You know who I really am, and I am totally comfortable with that. I can honestly say, you are the only person who has ever tapped into that side of me. You bring out the best in me. I could not live without you. When we move away from each other and start lives of our own, you will always be with me, and I hope I with you. Although we don’t see each other like we used to, you mean the world and beyond to me. I would never trade what we have in for anything. Ever. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I want you to know that. I will always be here for you. I want to be everything you have ever been for me. You are my brother, my role model, my inspiration and my best friend. I love you forever an always.

With undying love,
Crystal, your sister, your best friend

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