Synopsis: This was the film that put Quentin Tarantino on the map. A group of men, not knowing each others names, but instead going by code names like Mr. Pink and Mr. Blonde, get together to pull off a jewelry heist. After the heist fails in a police shootout, they begin to suspect one of their own tipped off the cops.
Review: Every Tarantino film I have seen definitely has its roots dug deep in to Reservoir Dogs. There was not much about the film I didn't like, except for it was at times difficult to follow, but what Tarantino film have you seen that wasn't like that? I have a particular fondness for Mr. White (Harvey Keitel) who risks his life to save the life of Mr. Orange (Tim Roth). Mr. Pink (Steve Buscemi) was great in that weasely sort of way he is. The whole cast for that matter was wonderful, including Nice Guy Eddie (Chris Pen), the son of the heist's coordinator, Joe Cabot (Lawrence Tierney).
Almost the whole story is set in a wearhouse post jewelry heist. Although the space is confining and is pretty static through out, it does not disappoint. The characters and the story keep the film afloat just fine. In classic Tarantino style, there are numerous flashbacks with simple titles to separate the different chapters of the story.
I love blood and gore, so this movie didn't bother me one bit in that aspect. However, if you have an aversion to blood, this might not be the movie you want to see while you're eating dinner. No gore, but plenty of blood :)
I don't want to give away the ending (which I loved!), so go see the movie. Rent it, or borrow it from me... but do it now!
********* (9/10)
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