Synopsis: In 2027, a world in shambles, a world where humans can no longer procreate, a woman is found to be pregnant. Theo (Clive Owen) feverishly stands by the pregnant woman to deliver her to the Human Project in hopes to revive the unfertile world and save the future of man.
Review: After seeing this movie, I literally went to the store and bought it hours after I finished watching it. There are so many aspects of the film that I loved, the plot, the actors, the sets, and the list goes on!
First off, the story is amazing. I have never really encountered anything quite like it and the futuristic world in which England is the last standing nation not plummeted into chaos (something we've seen before in V for Vendetta) appealed to my sense of uncertainty with the world's future. The entire concept of infertility in the future is appealing. It seems government has a vice like grip on all of the actions and goings on in the future world.
The actors dazzled me. Clive Owen was by far the best performance in the film. His dynamic character whom we follow undergoes profound changes as the future of human kind is at stake. The emotion present in his performance moved and touched me. Without giving too much else away, every actor in Children of Men does a spectacular job.
The sets made the film absolutely believable for me. Abandon schools, city-scapes in shambles, and subtle futuristic advances scattered through out add to the feeling of a world set in 2027. Even the music is a sort of weird, futuristic techno beat. The whole film is shot in darker, unsaturated colors, adding to the hopelessness of the time. Pollution hazes the sky and graffiti wallpapers the streets.
Buy this movie!
********* (9/10)
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