As I begin to write this, Lionel Ritchie came on my iTunes. Now you're wondering, "So? What does Lionel Ritchie have to do with anything?" Well, coincidently I was planning on writing about my oh so amazing and wonderful roommate and Lionel Ritchie always reminds me of Kimberly. Why? Long story short, there is a picture of her and her bestie Katie mimicking the front cover of one of his albums. You know the one where he's looking through a "window" he made with his hands? Yeah, that one. And I don't know why, but that cracks me up beyond belief.
Kimberly is hilarious in each and every way. Literally, I have not gone a day without laughing at something she said or did, or even something she said or did a week ago! I've been laughing since the election when she recorded her infamous "old man" that likes to visit us every once and a while. You can't write this stuff, it's all Kimberly, all on the spot improvising, you tell me if it's comedic gold or what: "I had to walk forty miles, both ways, uphill in the snow! And all I had was this spoon. And I had to dig through the snow with my spoon because I didn't have any traction and look what happened to it! Oh and I was barefoot, did I mention that? But then Obama won the election and he gave me back my traction! And my shoes!" Now of course you can never get the whole effect without hearing it from her mouth with the old man voice and all. But literally, I crack up every time I even think about it. In fact, right now I am chuckling to myself at the computer. Kimberly has helped me transform my life in ways I never thought possible. She introduced me to Landmark. She makes me laugh everyday. She is amazing.
I can even begin to tell you of all our crazy and silly antics. We have started to write down different quotes we hear each other say, to reference at later dates. Some of them are so funny! "Are your bowels irritable? Because you're acting like it," and "That's amazing, for anemics!". Anyway, she cracks me up and I love her for that. NO PORK!
I hope she reads this because it will make her laugh. And that I know for a fact!
I love you Kruth!
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