Tuesday. What can I say about a Tuesday? It's not a horrible Monday, trying to get re-acclimated to actually getting up and to class. And it's no Friday, the day I'm freed from the week day grind. It's just a Tuesday. The same old same old. I guess though, today was interesting...

My roomie (pictured left[I'm sure she'd be thrilled knowing I posted
this picture of her]) and I have decided to conduct a sort of experiment this week. Every night we will be going to bed at or before midnight. This is quite the task considering "normal" for us is usually well into 2am. The catch is, we'll get up every morning at 7. Just for reference, Kimberly usually wakes up at 8, me at 9. Last night was the first day of our experiment and it went well without a hitch! I was awake, but decided to lie in bed and listen to some music. Kimberly actually got up and did some work around the dorm. We both felt great today and were more awake than normal. Perhaps we'll put this into practice longer than just this week. Who knows?
I finally had my featured writer day in English 111 (Composition in Short Fiction). I have been nervous for it ever since I found out about it, so for approximately 7 weeks. It went well though. I always seem to surprise myself when I reread my essays. For the better that is. The topic I chose to write on was a quotation from the short story "Schroedinger's Cat" that explored a sort of philosophical question not unlike the one about if a tree falls in the forest but nobody is around to hear, does it make a sound? Anyway, it was decent. I wrote about how science teaches us that seeing is believing and that the interpretation of our sensations dictates what we believe. Since the overlying theme in the whole story is about certainty, it was easy to tie this in. Any way, yeah, I was relatively proud of myself.
Lunch at the HUB (Husky Union Building for those non-UWers) with Kimberly.

Rehearsal with the TCC (Tacoma Community College for those non-Tacomans) Jazz Band tonight. Stevens, our director, really had us playing. I mean, I was feeling tired before the halfway mark. We ran through some songs for our gig tomorrow at Clover Park Community College (go figure) on top of the set list for our concert Saturday with John Moak. It was a killer. But I still managed to get through hitting high c's and d's on the way. You know me, never passing an opportunity to brag. It was a good night.
I leave you tonight with my favorite quote of the day, because we all know I am way too much of a quote whore to only have one favorite:
"Every fight is a food fight when you’re a cannibal."
-- Demetri Martin
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