My roommate, Kimberly, and I returned to our dorm after having lunch. We saw a medium sized cardboard box sitting outside our door. At first, we didn't really know what to make of it, wondering if someone had put it in front of our door instead of someone else's for whom it was intended for. But then, we saw it was actually addressed to us. The package was a bit on the conspicuous side, I mean, it was a cardboard box sitting outside our door, you don't see that everyday. So with caution, we picked it up and brought it inside. I sure didn't want to open it for fear it was filled with some sort of flesh-eating bacteria (of course that's what my mind goes to first). Kimberly opens it. Packing peanuts. Okay, well, that's lame. We dig through the mess. And by we I mean Kimberly because now I'm convinced there's a live snake going to poison me after I stick my hand in there. She finds a plastic container filled with tissues and gum. Okay, lamest thing ever. There was a note signed "From the Boys on Floor 5". We were definitely not buying that. We pretty much knew it was Chris and Mike (Mike is my other roommate, Brooke's boyfriend). So Kimberly and I go over there and confront them. And when I say the both of us, I mean Kimberly throws a handful of packing peanuts in their room while I hid on the other side of the wall. They play dumb. And furious. Finally, Mike caves and asks if we think Brooke will fall for it. We tell him yes, so we set it all back up for Brooke. Unbeknownst to Mike and Chris, we tell Brooke everything. We decide we are getting them back...

Of course, the boys got us back. One weekend when Kimberly and I were away, Mike managed to get Brooke's keys away from her long enough to break in and throw massive amounts of glitter everywhere in our room. And I mean everywhere! I'm sure you all know glitter is the herpes of craft supplies. To this day, we are still not able to get it all out of our carpet.

To get back from us, all they did was steal my Dwight Bobble Head (which sadly I didn't notice was missing until two weeks later) and Kimberly's Mr. Potato Head nose. But yeah, lame, right? So we decided we were going to reignite the feud. Our plan is top secret, but I'll be sure to update you as soon as it happens!
In the mean time, enjoy these videos of our fabulous yarn prank!
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