Sunday, May 18, 2008

Busy? What gives you that impression?

This past weekend was crazy busy for me. I was booked solid from Friday until now, midday Sunday. Luckily I have little to do today and it's beautiful out (and not too hot).

Friday: An exhausting day, but fun none the less. Started by waking up too early (why on Earth I woke up two hours early is beyond even me). It was sort of nice to be able to lay in bed and just relax for a while. I finally got up and went to my one class (Geology 101). Basically my Professor discussed the extreme dangers of earthquakes, specifically the impending massive earthquake that is bound to happen in the PNW. Earthquakes fascinate me so yes, I am going to explain it:
So I assume you know something about plate tectonics. This is the principle that the Earth's crust is divided into different "plates" and they are constantly moving on top of the lithosphere (underlying material of the Earth's asthenosphere or crust). For example, where I live in Washington, the North American plate is touching the Juan de Fuca plate. The interaction between the plates is what causes seismic activity. In this particular case, the Juan de Fuca plate is moving East while the North American plate is moving West. Since the Juan de Fuca plate is an oceanic plate, it is denser, so it is subducted under the continental North American plate. This convergent plate margin is a cause of the smaller earthquakes that are not all that uncommon in the area. However, these two plates are presently locked and not moving past each other. This is a major cause of concern, because massive pressure is building up between these plates. The Washington coast is basically being pushed up as the pressure increases. When the pressure is released, it is likely to cause a massive earthquake, estimated to be around a 9 on the modern seismic scale. Just as a reference, the earthquake we had in 2001 was around a 7, so this earthquake will be over 400 times stronger than that one. Also, the huge movement of the coast line moving down will displace so much water, it is sure to cause a tsunami as well.
Yeah, so interesting stuff, but not what you'd call settling. Anyway, after class, my aunt Holly picked my up so I could watch my cousins. As always it was a pleasure! We built a fort (but referred to as a cottage by Enzo) and went to the park. After that, my uncle Matt drove me back to Seattle so I could go play in my softball game. Our team, the Mad Whackers, have made the playoffs. So far we have won two playoff games. I must say, we look pretty good out there! The next game is tomorrow, so cheer us on! After that dad picked me up and we grabbed some dinner. We went home and I met Elly and Jimmy at Shari's to hang out. Whew. Busy day.

Saturday: I met Cody at the Ft. Stelicoom golf course at 8:30. I knew Saturday was supposed to be hot, but is was way hot even that early in the morning. Ugh! Cody started out amazing (bogey on the first hole) but we both ended up sucking after that. It didn't matter though, we just love to golf regardless of how well we do, but I must say, it's more exciting when you kick butt. We did both double bogey on a three par. Not bad, at least for me! Then I went back home to get ready for a rehearsal for TCC Jazz Band. It was definitely getting hot outside, but the rehearsal was only about an hour and a half. Painless. There was a clinic, but I decided not to go and crashed on the couch for about an hour while watching Dirty Jobs. Oh how I love Mike Rowe! Then it was time to get ready for the concert. So just to mention, it was close to 90 degrees outside and I was dressed in all black for the concert. Ugh! Just that outfit was making me sweat, but once we got on stage and the lights were on us, I swear we all started to sweat like a prostitute in church. By the time we finished, we all must have sweat a gallon each. Mom took me to DQ for ice cream. I met Josh at his place to watch SNL. Got home around 1 ish.

Sunday: Woke up entirely too early for a Sunday so we could go walk in the Beat the Bridge race to cure Juvenile Diabetes. 5:40 to be exact. This was some feet considering I was up well past 1 am the night before. I threw on some clothes and hopped in the car with Janelle. We drove to Matt and Holly's. I was very tired. Very, very tired. We pick up Holly and began our search for breakfast. We were relatively unsuccessful. Panera was closed, much to Janelle's dismay and so was one of the Starbuck's we passed. Luckily we do live in the greater Seattle area and there was another Starbuck's across the street. Seeing as my new years resolution was to stop drinking espresso drinks, I got a hot chocolate, which did not do a thing to wake me up. During the ride to Seattle I dozed in the back of the car. We finally got there and we registered. We did the four mile walk (very enjoyable) and got our SWAG (according to Mr. Michael Scott, SWAG is "Stuff We All Get"). I was very happy about both the blue sparkly pencil and the balloon. Holly was very excited for some dorm breakfast, so we headed to my dorm to get some food at 1101 (the eating facility on south campus). I despise dorm food, so I had a bagel. It was an awesome morning, but once Janelle and Holly left to go home, I'm not going to lie, I went back to my room and fell asleep for a good hour or two. Woke up around 1:30 ish and found Indiana Jones on the TV and I couldn't pass up that opportunity to have that on in the background while I was on the computer. Now I'm writing. This blog. Because Sunday is not over. I don't have much left to do to day, except for maybe doing some homework, but it's not much. Reading. Easy.

And again, for my quote of the day (because we all know how much I love quotes):

"Today I am headed over to the job fair at Valley View High School to find some new interns. Get some fresh blood. Um, youthanize this place." --Michael Scott, from The Office

1 comment:

  1. I loved that when I heard it!
    That Michael is such an idiot.


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