Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Love the life you live, live the life you love

I have been meaning to post on this for some time, so forgive me for the lag. I recently participated in The Landmark Forum, a piece of Landmark Education's Curriculum for Living. The only way I can sum up the forum is with the word "transformational".

I spent three whole days and one evening surrounded by 150 seemingly ordinary people whom I have come to see are more than spectacular. These strangers were with me for the ups and downs as we experienced the forum. By the end, I can say I feel like I gained 150 new best friends.

What is it that makes opening up to a complete stranger so easy when I constantly stuff my emotions and feelings around my friends and family? I think I discovered that answer during the forum. I had a major breakthrough on Saturday night of the forum. I literally experienced the moment from living in intense fear, allowing myself to be completely vulnerable to seeing the complete absurdity of that fear. The fear I never knew was there. Not consciously at least. I was deathly afraid of people, of people finding out who I really am. But then again, who am I really? I did not even know that answer but lived my life in fear other people would find out and reject me. However, there is flip side to this human condition of fear of people. True people are dangerous, but then you must realize that you too are dangerous. Here I was so preoccupied living out of fear of other dangerous people, I never realized how scared other people are of me! Silly old me! I cannot explain the immense power I gained over my life realizing this.

The forum is all about creating possibility for your life. I have created numerous possibilities for myself, one being having a completely new and transformed relationship with my step-mom, Janelle. For the first time in my life, I was able to be completely present and mean the words "I love you" when I said them to her. I have always loved her, but somehow found myself holding back whenever I was "prompted" to say it. But realizing that my future is completely empty, that I can "be" anyway I want to be in my future, it made it simple for me to do this. I found myself moved and touched that I had this power, and many can tell you the joy I get out of this story, as I've told it numerous times!

All in all, I can't begin to explain the huge impact that Landmark has had on my life so far. Just writing this short blog about it has inspired me to live my life powerfully and live the life I love.

I am inventing the possibility for me and my life the possibility of being peaceful and adventurous!

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