Monday, January 17, 2011

10. Little Thing

This song is quite an interesting piece. There is a lovely story Dave likes to tell as the introduction into his solo. It's all about his encounter with a women in New York he found particularly attractive. The song that follows are his thoughts about that woman and what he wished he said to her. Interestingly, this song evolved into the Some Devil release named "An' Another Thing," though I prefer the live releases titled "Little Thing."

Title: Little Thing
Album: None (live release)
Show Stats: Fully played 65 times, 2 partials, 1 reprise, 27 teases
Why I Love It: The song is so honest. Few people in the world would bear their soul to millions of people a fantasy about someone they had but a passing encounter. The spoken story as an introduction lets us know that Dave is telling us something about himself that is important to him. The guitar is simple, with complicated strum patterns, letting Dave add beautiful flourishes and falsetto to his vocal performance.
Memories: I've never heard this song live, seeing as it wasn't played at all in 2010 and only 16 times since 1997. However, I did stumble across this song after listening to Live Trax Volume 4 and I recall immediately being drawn into the story Dave tells in this song. I couldn't quite put my finger on why it sounded so familiar until my roommate pointed out it eventually evolved into "An' Another Thing." To date, my favorite version is on LT Vol. 4, a performance recorded on April 30, 1996, near the first time the song was ever played.
Favorite Lyric: Her voice oh it echoes, echoes/ Echoes through my head/ And I hope she returns while I wait hour after hour/ For her to come along and see me again

Note: the version of this song in the video is not the version I selected my favorite lyrics from

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