Thursday, June 3, 2010

Bliss. Or something like it.

Have you ever found yourself in a moment of complete bliss? When the world drops away and all that's left is the being part of human being?

It's small moments like these I crave.

From getting lost in the complex musical stylings of DMB to running the third mile on the Burke-Gillman, I find these moments are what propels me through each day.

I recently experienced what I call bliss when I turned on Led Zeppelin, turned off the lights, shut my eyes and just began to write. I didn't look at the keys of my computer, the bright screen in front of me or anything else in the room. I removed myself from the world for a short moment and experienced myself being completely free, unconstrained in every meaning of the word.

Now, if only that could be every day, every moment, that would be true bliss.

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